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Exploring "Woke" Topics with ChatGPT

Today's society is struggling with complex issues of identity and inclusivity. What are the new norms of language and behavior around these areas? Let's see what ChatGPT has to say and how it handles these nuanced topics.

Exploring "Woke" Topics with ChatGPT
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Navigating Time, Technology, and Territory

A week of curiosity and discovery: Exploring U.S. actions in the Middle East, the wisdom of Socratic dialogues, and the astonishing rise of AI.

Navigating Time, Technology, and Territory
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Scroll Patrol, Issue #3

Yep, it's become a regular "column" here. I collect miscellaneous stuff from the world wide web, the information superhighway, and post it here...

Scroll Patrol, Issue #3
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Predicting the Growth of AI

Scaling laws predicted the current explosion in AI capabilities. How useful are these laws going forward, and what do they tell us about the future now?

Predicting the Growth of AI
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Creating Song Lyrics from an Image

AI's ability to analyze the contents of an image is remarkably accurate. You can then take a it a step further and have it write the lyrics to a song based upon the image.

Creating Song Lyrics from an Image
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A Path to Mindful Productivity

Rick Rubin and Oprah teach letting go of outcome attachment and focusing on process quality. But if we let go of outcome, what do we do with our goals?

A Path to Mindful Productivity
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The Doctrine of Christian Discovery

Long before Manifest Destiny, the Doctrine of Christian Discovery empowered Christian empires to claim non-Christian lands. Let's take a look at this doctrine and its relation to Christ's teachings.

The Doctrine of Christian Discovery
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AI and The Socratic Method

Artificial intelligence breathes new life into the ancient Socratic Method, unlocking a realm of possibilities for exploring the depths of our existence. Engaging in dialogues with AI can prompt us to question, reflect, and ponder the intricacies of life in ways we've never imagined.

AI and The Socratic Method
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U.S. Presence in the Middle East and The Golden Rule

The U.S. is getting increasingly involved in violence in the Middle East. These activities bring the threat of a wider war with Iran. What is the U.S. even doing there?

U.S. Presence in the Middle East and The Golden Rule
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A Milestone, Plus Some Favorite New Tech

Yesterday marked 400 days since I gave up alcohol for good.

A Milestone, Plus Some Favorite New Tech